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With more than 1.3 million members working for public bodies, private companies and voluntary-sector bodies across the full range of public services, being part of UNISON means you have the full weight of the UK’s leading trade union behind you.

You can help your colleagues and fellow UNISON members with workplace issues by becoming a UNISON rep or workplace contact.They are representatives and spokespersons for members within their workplace.

Interested? Contact the Branch Office or complete the Stewards Application form


Stewards, health and safety reps, union learning reps and branch officers have a right to paid time off for training in their union duties in most workplaces. This also applies to part-time activists and those who take part in online courses. UNISON is committed to making sure that every rep has a named contact, buddy or mentor to support them.

We ensure all activists and members have access to learning and development opportunities.

Click here for Information about the courses we offer can be found 

The courses range from those for members, newly appointed Activists and Officers, courses on specific issues, advanced and Leadership courses, to those identified as a requirement by our Regional Service Groups and Committees.

Any costs associated with your attendance at one of our courses will be met by your Branch, including travel expenses and childcare costs, so you will never be out of pocket. In terms of time off for attending a course during work time we strongly advise that you discuss this with your Branch who will know what the local arrangements are in place for paid time release.